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A great interactive museum about medieval Prague. Really enjoyed the highlighted maquettes with audio explanation. Some of the screens were laggy/unresponsive when scrolling between images hence 4 stars. The staff is not great with English, but we were able to understand each other.

Make sure to fill in the short questionnaire in the second to last room, and you’ll get a small surprise at the end :)
Bien una zona donde se puede ver y compartir con otra cultura cercana y presente.
We enjoyed the tour. But I think that would have been nice to have a guide. A little expensive just for going up the tower. But the place is really well maintained, and they did a fantastic job with the interior. The tower is really nice.
Please stop before getting onto Charles Bridge.
We only allowed 1 hr if into history and particularly of Prague you could easily use 2-3 hr the interactive headset in English and other languages is great
Visited the town hall / astronomical clock in a recent visit to Prague. We pre-booked tickets online and needed to exchange the online code for paper tickets at the desk prior to entry. I believe this would be useful in the summer but it was quiet enough in early February to not worry. The best part is the top of the tower which gives a great view over the main square, there are lots of steps so keep this in mind before you go. There are lifts you can pay for but they only take you some of the way.
An absolute marvel of a museum. Very happy we found this place. The staff are the sweetest and I mean that.

Learned a ton and our favourite part was the visuals around how Prague was built under Charles IV. If you go during the weekday I think you’re almost guaranteed to be alone.
Seema Chandani
at 2024 Feb 12
Seema Chandani
at 2024 Feb 12
Beautiful views from the top of tower. Do check if you can buy ticket during first hour to get 50% discount. Enjoy stunning views of the city
Ho fatto benissimo a visitarlo, sale stupende, ho visto da vicino gli Apostoli che animano ad ogni ora lo spettacolo dell'orologio astronomico e vista mozzafiato su Piazza della Città Vecchia dalla torre astronomica. Da non perdere.
La struttura che ospita il famoso orologio astronomico di Praga. La torre vista dalla piazza della città vecchia è davvero molto bella da vedere.
Zoran Babunov
at 2024 Jan 29
Zoran Babunov
at 2024 Jan 29
Really fancy and beautiful Cafe, where should i start.... The service is amazingly fast and the food is so delicious, the cake was so good, there is a life Piano music that makes the atmosphere super cozy, there is a Robot that drves around and collect the dirty dishes, the interior is like a barok stile nice and warm, and the prices are not so expensive. It is highly recommended
Mi è piaciuto molto questo tour guidato all’interno della torre municipale della città vecchia (vecchio municipio).
Si visita l’interno della torre dell’orologio astronomico, la torre con vista sulla città (la vista è bellissima!) e i sotterranei!! La storia è super interessante.
I tour sono possibili in varie lingue.
Foodie MamaD
at 2024 Jan 17
Foodie MamaD
at 2024 Jan 17
This is one of the senior landmark in Prague, Czechia. it’s located in old town Prague, you will walk pass by it whenever you are in the old town or the new town area.

It’s unique color, makes it very recognizable from far away . This is also how it received its name which was combined with its original purpose.

It is open to the public to go up , but since we did not go up, so we cannot really share any inside pictures or videos here.
Orologio molto bello dall'esterno, internamente c'è poco di visitabile (bello) e per il prezzo del biglietto non so se ne vale la pena. Forse il punto di forza maggiore è la vista dalla cima della torre che, in una giornata limpida, è splendida. È stato un peccato che un membro dello staff, ad un minuto dallo scoccare dell'ora, ha fatto allontanare me, la mia famiglia e un'altra coppia dal punto in cui potevamo assistere al movimento degli ingranaggi e delle sculture dell'orologio dall'interno, sostenendo di dover lasciare spazio anche ad altre persone (eravamo gli unici nella stanza e gli unici che alla fine, da lontano, hanno assistito allo scoccare d'ora). Ci ha veramente rovinato l'umore e l'esperienza senza un buon motivo. Devo menzionare che tutti gli altri membri dello staff sono stati cordiali e d'aiuto per le informazioni
Staroměstská radnice v Praze byla založena roku 1338 (jako první v Čechách) na základě privilegia uděleného staroměstským měšťanům králem Janem Lucemburským. Tvoří ji komplex několika domů přiléhajících ke Staroměstskému náměstí postupně připojovaných do jednoho celku pro potřeby správy Starého Města pražského.

Nejstarší část komplexu tvoří jižní křídlo s nádhernou věží s arkýřovou kaplí a unikátním orlojem, na kterém se každou celou hodinu (9–23 hod.) objevuje 12 apoštolů. Východní novogotické křídlo radnice bylo zničeno během Pražského povstání 8. 5. 1945 a nebylo již nikdy obnoveno. Uvnitř radnice můžete nahlédnout do reprezentačních sálů – Obecní síň, Stará radní síň, Brožíkův zasedací sál a Jiříkova síň.

Málokdo ví, že z kaple Staroměstské radnice lze nahlédnout do útrob mechanismu pražského orloje a zhlédnout tak přehlídku apoštolů i z vnitřní strany. Kaple Panny Marie se nachází v 1. patře a byla založena záhy po výstavbě radniční věže a vysvěcena již roku 1381. Bohoslužby se zde konaly před každým zasedáním městské rady, byly slouženy i vězňům v radnici nebo odsouzencům na smrt, kteří odsud kráčeli na popraviště. Pořádaly se zde mše pro blaho panovníka, časté byly i pohřební obřady. Prostor kaple tvoří příčně položená loď a pětiboký arkýř. Z vnějšku na nároží arkýře je kopie pozoruhodné gotické sochy tzv. Staroměstské madony, příkladné ukázky sochařství z konce 14. století. Radniční kaple patří k nejvzácnějším stavitelským památkám na českém území. Zajímavou ozdobou jsou vitrážová okna.

Dominantou Staroměstské radnice i celého náměstí je mohutná téměř 70 m vysoká gotická věž ze 14. století. Její ochoz nabízí nejkrásnější výhled na město – je odtud možné zhlédnout Týnský chrám nebo kostel sv. Mikuláše, v dálce obdivovat Pražský hrad nebo se nechat unášet výhledem na desítky věží, věžiček a kupolí rozmanité pražské architektury. Jako jediná ze středověkých pražských věží je radniční věž bezbariérová – na ochoz návštěvníky vozí moderní prosklený výtah (za poplatek).
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
Right next to the town hall building. Located in the centre of Prague and you cannot miss this spot. It is standing there and has been witnessing so much change of this fantastic city. It looked extremely beautiful in snow!
Christina Beebe
at 2023 Dec 21
Christina Beebe
at 2023 Dec 21
Found this randomly and decided to go up. You can buy tickets at the ticket booth across from the front entrance outside, or by card. At the top of the entry stairs. It was a really great view and we had it all to ourselves during nighttime hours. Really cool, with the wooden structure and the wind blowing, making everything creak and sound somewhat spooky.
Great experience, unique baroque library and amazing views over old town from the astronomical clock tower
Must-see tour of old Prague town hall but requires planning

The Old Town Hall tours (~$25/adult) offer a behind-the-scenes look at the Astronomical Clock and a glimpse into the medieval Czech high-society homes that later became this historic attraction. The guided tours, grouped by language, occur on a couple hour cadence and are usually quickly booked out. The guides are super knowledgeable and the guided tours also feature access to the dungeons / cellars, which were on the original street level of Prague!

The clock tower observation deck is a great vantage point to see the Old Town Square and the rest of Prague. There is a lift ($5 round trip) but the ramps to walk upstairs aren’t strenuous and easily accessible.