انجمن راهنمایان محلی

لیست مدرسهٔ بین‌المللی های ریاض,عربستان سعودی به همراه نظرات

بهترین مدرسهٔ بین‌المللی ها در شهر ریاض

محبوب ترین مدرسهٔ بین‌المللی ها در ریاض از نظر کاربران


أشكر ادارة مدارس العروبة العالمية ، لأهتمامهم البالغ في التأسيس باللغة العربية وأخص بالذكر قسم اللغة العربية في المرحلة الابتدائية
المشرفة أ/امتثال الصانع والمعلمة المبدعة والمربية الفاضلة
أ/رفاه شحود الشخصية المحببة للصغيرات والمؤثرة والقدوة الحسنة شكرا للتعزيز المعنوي المتنوع والمادي للطالبات شكرا لحسن تعاملك وأناشيدك ، شكرا لاحتوائك وحنانك ورقي أخلاقك شكرا لدعمك وملاحظاتك شكرا لقدرتك على التواصل والتعامل الرقيق مع القلوب والأنامل الصغيرة gr1.
نظام واستقبال والمبنى روعه
المعلمين ممتازين مهنيا وخلقيا
كان اليوم فيه مسابقة كنجاروا
وكل شيء كان ممتاز
شكرا للجميع
من تجربتي لأول مرة لهذا العام مع المرحلة الإبتدائية، مدرسة تضم كادر إداري وتعليمي رائع ، خاصة مديرة المدرسة السيدة مريم عواجي والمسؤولة الإجتماعية وشؤون الطالبات السيدة سارة العتيبي . مستوى تعليمي جيد جدا وتعامل المعلمات دون استثناء ممتاز مع الطالبات ووليات الأمر ، وجدت إستجابة فورية لأية ملاحظة أو طلب يقدم للمعلمات أو الإدارة بخصوص أمور الطالبات ، معلمات المناهج العربية يراعين جدا في طريقة التعليم الطلاب الغير الناطقين اللغة العربية (وأطفالي منهم) ويقدمن بكرم شرحا وتسهيلات لتذليل عقبة عدم فهم اللغة وتحسين استيعابهم لها ... بمعية الإدارة والمعلمات أطفالي أحبو الدراسة أكثر من ذي قبل
لا انصح بها لاطفال التربية الخاصة (ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة)
مافي دمج ❌
اطفال الاحتياجات الخاصة لهم قسم خاص الكلاس كلهم عندهم اضطرابات واحيانا يجمعون اطفال حالتهم شديدة مع اطفال حالتهم خفيفة ويتأثرون بشكل سلبي

يمنعنون الشدو تيتشر❌

يفتحون شاشات للاطفال❌

مافي وضوح بالخطة والجلسات ولا فيه متابعة للتحديثات ولاتدرين عن شيء من يوم يدخل طفلك لين يطلع

ولدي صار يقلد الاطفال الي معه بالصف يصرخ ويرفرف ويصيح بصراخ بالرغم من انه ماكان كذا سابقا

لا انصح بها للاطفال الي حالتهم متوسطة او خفيفة، حرام يدخل الطفل كذا الافضل يروح لمدارس دمج حقيقي

اما الاطفال الي حالتهم تميل للصعوبة فممكن تناسبهم المدرسة الى مايتحسنون وينتقلون منها لمدرسة دمج حقيقي.
الصراحه مدرسه لا تعليق كلهم أجانب و أولياء الأمور يقعدون يتهاوشون مع سكان العماره حتى المواقف الفاضيه يقعدون يسكرون عليها ولا يوقفون فيها حصل لنا موقف كذا مسكره ع موقف و ماتبي و جايه تتهاوش و خصوصا الفانات الي عندكم ذولي مره !! يعني غير أنهم يوقفون في الموقوف المخصصه للسكان و الطلاب يقعدون تحت الدريشة و يسولفون و صوتهم عالي او يكون معهم كوره و يخبطون في الجدار او يطلعون السطح فوق او يروحون القبو و يرشون ع السيارات و ازعاج حتى صوت الميكرفون يوصل الين العماره ! و حقين الفانات يقعدون يدخنون سلامات !!! الريحه تفقع و الطلاب يدخلون جوا العماره و يضغطون الجرس الوضع ما ينسكت عنه
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
من صور الحمد والثناء لله شكره على نعمه التي تحيط بنا
شكراً لمدارس رواد الخليج
وأخص بالشكر مديرة المدرسة نوره السلامة
ومعلمة منى💞 ومعلمة هند 💞
والطاقم الاداري
شكراً على حسن الاستقبال على جمال روحكم
حب أبنائنا مراعاتهم الاهتمام بهم
كل التقدير والاحترام لكم

شكر خاص من عمر لمعلمة هند ومنى يحبكم كثييييير الله يسعدكم ويحسن إليكم ويرفع قدركم ويجعل ماتقدمونه في ميزان حسناتكم يارب ❤️
الرسوم عاليه والمبنى متهالك وابني صف ثالث الى الان مش متمكن من اجادة اللغه الانجليزيه وحصص الرياضه والترفيه قليله حصه بالاسبوع فقط واحيانا مايلعب الاولاد كره بس تكون تمارين يوجد مسبح لكن مغلق 💔 ابني كره الدراسه بسبب الضغط ليتهم يحطوا حصه كل يوم ترفيه ياكرة قدم او مكتبه او سباحه ماشاء الله اليوم الدراسي طويل من ٦:٣٠الى الساعه ١م متاكده ان نص ساعه من كل يوم ماراح تاثر على تحصيلهم العلمي بالعكس بتحسن من نفسيتهم وبتخليهم يجددوا طاقتهم لباقي اليوم طبعا انا كثير كلمت الاداره بهذا الخصوص بس ابدا مافيه استجابه
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اقدم شكرى الى المدرسه بشكل عام واقدم شكر خاص للاستاذ عبد الله مدخلي لانه بالفعل انسان راقي جدا مع الطلاب وانسان طموح ويخاف الله سبحانه وتعالى وهذا الشيء نشوف خارج المدرسه مع الطلاب في التواصل الاجتماعي وداخل المدرسه فشكرا للاستاذ عبد الله
over rated compared to the education services offered,
they are more interested in showing fancy and classy image than actual education.

in addition bullying to students by students and teachers is not being dealt with on a high level, instead they try to solve it case by case.
I highly recommend khaled international school for its excellent academic programs, dedicated teachers, and a nurturing environment that encourages students to thrive. The school's commitment to both academic and personal growth ensures that every student is well-prepared for their future. The diverse extracurricular activities also provide students with well-rounded experiences. Truly a wonderful place for education!
Well although the education is decent,there are way too many fights it’s like witnessing 5 in 1 fights. But the schools education is good👍 the teachers are decent but scream at u but overall pretty high quality education and also decent people at school. But also I was enrolled as bus student,as one benefit is u get to go to ur bus 5 min early😉 but if ur like me,the unlucky ones u sometimes reach home at 2 45 even though school ends at 1 45 that’s an hour after school. But also the bus is like WW4💀which means it’s soooo loud that even the best of the best headphones can’t silence the noise but if u have a friend with u as bus student it’ll be A LOT better than being alone and suffering in ur bus.
Im very happy that I put my son in this school because the teachers are helpful and patient.You can also communicate with them easily and they are supportive.
اليوم زرت مدرسة العروبة الصراحه كانت اكثر من رائعة
اشكر كل من مديرة الابتدائي استاذه مريم
والأخصائية ساره على تعاملهم الراقي
المدرسه ماشاء الله ممتازه فى كل شىء ابنيه تعليميه ممتازه من فصول كبيره و ملاعب كبيره و منوعه و حمام سباحه كبير اتمنى زياده حصصه اكتر بس و انشطه منوعه و المدرسيين على اعلى مستوى ابنى بيرجع الحمد لله فاهم كل شىء و اول كل اسبوع بينزله على منصه المدرسه الحصص مشروحه قبلها عشان يكون عنده معلومه قبل الشرح جزاكم الله خيرا يارب
The staff and students are all very nice and supportive of each other.
Im now 10 years in school the first 7 years in school was good then idk why the school got a glow down thats bec the bad management. They have to change it to be better and have a comeback and glow up
School is horrid when it comes to management as most of the time as I've seen from experience wrong decisions are made when it comes to accusing children whether with evidence or without(especially supervisor ,Mr. Fayomi), bathrooms are absolutely dirty , staff sometimes feel unorganized, I grew with this school and the management hold it back especially when the teachers are absolutely great at their job.
very competitive school with a very strict environment. this school will help you survive stressful situations!
I recommend this school it lets Ur kid bring there phone and the teachers are really friendly and they have a lot of shows and activities and more and they have a lot of games they have badminton and volleyball and tennis and taekwondo and karate and it's very nice and has a lot of nice teachers
Can i be provided with a number to contact as the available does not work
An amazing school with great staff creates an inspiring and nurturing environment for students. The dedicated teachers and supportive staff go above and beyond to ensure each student receives personalized attention and guidance. Their commitment to excellence fosters a culture of curiosity, resilience, and mutual respect. This dynamic atmosphere not only enhances academic achievement but also promotes personal growth and lifelong learning, making it a truly exceptional place for education.
This school Is very nice in terms of education concepts teachers.. They teach in a way that kids understand really good..but there are some things where I want improvement is there's no Islamic studies in English, no strictness of uniform kids wear casual everyday this makes school repo bad..
I’m overwhelmed that my kids are studying in this esteemed organization.
It’s been a year but there is a drastic change in my kids performance and excellence.
Highly recommend Dome if you want British curriculum
I recently had a negative experience at khaled International school (kindergarten)that I feel compelled to share. My time at the school was marred by several incidents that left me feeling frustrated and unsupported.There is lots of bullying between students and I guess if there is counsoler where she can do workshops for parents and students to improve this issue would be great. Moreover, students have lots of vacations that are not accepted every month they have to stay home for 10 days for no reason and the school timing is very short (8:00_ 12:30).

Throughout my time at the school, I felt a lack of support from the staff in addressing my concerns.The communication from the principal to parents was lacking and inconsistent.
I believe that improving the principal's communication with parents would greatly enhance the overall experience for families at KIS.   Clear and timely communication is essential for fostering a positive school environment.

In conclusion, my experience  was disappointing, and I hope that my feedback can contribute to improvements that will benefit future students.
The school has a high reputation and an enjoying environment where most of the graduates finish their colleges as lawyers, doctors, engineers, and etc. Some of which are suma and magna cumlaude. I also am proud being an IPSR graduate. And being part of the three-peat defending champions as GROWLING TIGERS.
As a Student in Fugen currently, I have experienced bad and good moments during my time here in the school itself , though it is true that students are being yelled at and also experiencing humiliation from teachers and other high ranking staff in the school, aside’s from the negativity to the school, it also has a positive side , including fun events to expand the horizons of the education of the child and their well being , it may be said from other students that the school , staff , do not care about their mental health , but for me I’m just stating an opinion that’s not kinda true , they rarely shout only if the student is doing unruly stuff , they shout only to discipline them and teach them the perspective of a true Fugenista

It’s a good school but not appropriate of sensitive children who’s parents bring them to this school,

Thank you for Reading this review I hope it gets through to a lot of people.
Comparto mi experiencia para todos los hispanohablantes que piensen en apuntar a sus hijos en este colegio. Para realizar la inscripcion online se necesita hacer un pago de aproximadamente unos 150 euros. Con esta inscripcion solo se meten los datos de tus hijos en el sistema. SI tus hijos no son ingleses nativos, totalmente bilingues, o nunca han tenido clases en ingles previamente te pueden contestar posteriormente que no pueden aceptar a tu hijo porque no tienen clases de apoyo disponibles para no ingleses nativos, sin ni siquiera hacer realizado una evaluacion del nivel de ingles de tus hijos. Entonces pierdes ese dinero sin posibilidad de reembolso. En cualquier pais de Europa esto no lo podrian hacer, ya que si no tienen disponibles clases de apoyo deberian tener imposibilitado la opcion de registrarse a niños no hablantes nativos.Es decir lo que seria un claro abuso de posicion dominante. Esta es mi experiencia y mi consejo para los padres que piensen en hacer la inscripcion en este colegio, pensarlo muy bien antes y buscar otros colegios que no realizen estas practicas, porque perderas el dinero y no te lo reembolsaran.
هذولي لصوص علي بابا ما خلو شي ما سرقوه ولا فوق ذا يكتبون البنات تعهد اخر يوم بلاه يا امهات تضرو عيالكم او بناتكم يتفتشو شنطهم ويكتبهم تعهد على سبب جدا تافه وكل شي من
ممنوع عندهم اكل مخصص وفوق ذا المديره اخس شي في المدراس ذي تخيلو انها جديده وشايفه نفسها هي وشعرها ذا ومس اثير هاذي بكت بنتي هي وقصرها ذا وشايفه نفسها وتشمق على البنات مالها ادب وترا عندي كذا تعليق على هاذي المدرس. وترا حماماتهم وصخه بس ينضفوها لما جيون الوزاره ولا الامهات وترا قد وحدا من البنات علقت فوظه فيها دم على الجدار الله يقرفهم
Registering and sending my children at Dome International Schools has been an exceptional decision that has positively transformed both their academic journey and personal growth. There is no such thing as a perfect organization as we humans are not born perfect. Every businesses like a school all need a return of investment and it is uncouth to say that Dome is only a money making business. All businesses are. What impressed me so much about Dome International Schools is their passion to enhance their students' potentials coupled with teachers and parents efforts. It's a concerted effort to be exact. It can never be a one man show.

The faculty at Dome International Schools are not just educators, but mentors who are deeply committed to the success and well-being of each student.

As a parent, I appreciate the open communication channels between the school and families, ensuring that parents are involved and informed every step of the way. They have ClassDojo, scholar system, pioneer, and they even send sms to update us parents.

I am satisfied with how Dome has honed my children to be the best version of themselves. Of course, I alloted my time with them as well, as the school is not 24 hours on the look for my kids. I do my part as their parent and Dome does the rest of that when they are at school.

Words are insufficient to express my thankfulness to Dome International Schools.
I was coming to register my children but looking at these reviews is terrifying and the fact that the school management only respond to positive reviews and ignore the other reviews or even attempt to address the parent’s issues seems like they completely ignore development. We had our experience with money- based schools before where their main focus was on attracting joining student rather than maintaining the existing ones. I don’t want to go through that again.
I’d like to thank all management for solving all of my kids issues (specially Mr. Fayoumy) throughout all the academic year.
And at the end of the school year, I’d like to thank all teachers, coordinators, workers, and management for the huge efforts.
This will place will end your kid with depression. honestly my kid one day was hitting her head on the wall so I will let her skip school .Yes they give the boys section a better treatment but still they let them play the full day and you study for them at home.and the graduation party was something else the girls paid 400 and did nothing but walk up and down the stairs and it was a total disaster grade 6 and 9 where together and all the girls where standing in random places.on the other hand the boys graduation party was good and they only paid 200 and even boys who didn’t pay still graduated was super organized and there where plays and dances in the party . At the end worse place for kids my kid will homeschool next year because of this school .
Worst school ever, the activities are so messy and boring also the bathrooms are so dirty the teachers are harsh the AC drips water all over my books and the teachers won’t close it and the school won’t fix it
اشكر الاخصائي نايف بديوي وحرصه في اخذ الظغط قبل عملية السحب والسرعه في اخذ العينات بدون المم
Very very satisfied with the school Allhumdulilah. I have noticed remarkable changes in my daughter's overall personality Masha Allah. The school is 10/10 on cleanliness, hygiene and discipline. The faculty is amazing. A kid accelerates not just in academics but also mentally socially and physically.
هذا ليس تقيما مجبر على وضع نجمة لأتمكن من وضع السؤال

كم السعر لجريد وان ؟
ومتى التسجيل ؟
ولكم جزيل الشكر
I go to this school for the past 6 years its not that bad but something that I don't like about it is that it has events every single months and I mean I'm fine with it but I don't like the fact that we have to spend over hundreds everything and plus we pay every weekends and holidays even if the school is the one who hosted it even all the pageants getting hosted there Is a freakin money competition like why? But this school isn't super bad the teachers are kind and nice and full of self respect some are strict in a good way though that's all this school I don't know I won't really recommend it 🙂
the school is horrifying
the bathroom sink doesnt work the bathroom doors are broken💀you cant even lock the bathroom door and in the classrooms random insects be popping out of nowhere💀the school isnt clean at all and some students are racist bullying fights the classroom door is broken and u cant even open it u need to put your STRENGTH on to it i dont recommend YOU to enroll your child into this school and alot of people recommend alot to not enroll ur kids in this school.
هل بها ثنويه وكم سعرها وش المنهج
Incredible administrative and support staff. I can't say enough about the warm, enthusiastic and engaged professional educators at this school. We are so grateful for them.
I want to express my deep appreciation for the outstanding environment and exceptional education provided by Khaled International Schools.The school’s commitment to academic excellence, coupled with a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, truly sets it apart.