انجمن راهنمایان محلی

لیست بیمارستان های آلانیا,ترکیه به همراه نظرات

بهترین بیمارستان ها در شهر آلانیا

محبوب ترین بیمارستان ها در آلانیا از نظر کاربران


Service is ok but could be better, MRI device is old and takes lots of time to take a scan. There is no specialist doctors on Saturday and Sunday (only emergency department)
English speakers are many over there
Prices are the highest in the world for simple medical treatment.
If you are a tourist, then, as everywhere in Turkey, they can and will try to deceive you. The administrator assured us that the stay of an adult with a child is covered by insurance, but in fact only for children 3 years old. The doctor offered 2 days of hospitalization or a week of home treatment to choose from. As a result, after 2 days of hospitalization, a course of home treatment was still prescribed. Why then waste our money and time on hospitalization? The insurance also refused to cover the final X-ray. In general, managers do not work well with insurance and do not warn patients in advance.
Gittiğim en kötü devlet hastanesi. Özellikle gastroenteroloji bölümünde Aşkın Erdoğan isimli doktor mesleğinin gerektirdiği hassasiyet ve özveriyle alakasız bir doktor. Hastaya yaklaşımı azarlar biçimde. Zaten asistanlarıyla görüşme yapıyorsunuz onlar gidip ona anlatıyor saçma bir sistemleri var.Kulaktan kulağa oynayarak hastalık teşhisi konuluyor. Diğer birimlerinde de tam bir liyakatsizlik mevcut...
Öncelıklle hastanede mısafırım 3 gün önce gece acılden 1 yasındakı oğlumun kusma ve ishal sıkayetıyle getırdım hasta kabuldekı bayanlar ağızlarında birer sakız gevşek gevsak insanlara hayvan muamelesı yapıyorlar neyse yatış yapıldı bebek hasta halıyle ıshal çarşafa gectı temızlık personelı terbıyesz bır üslupla konuşuyor sankı kasıtlı yapılıyor işin oysa yapacaksın gece 3 de uykusunu böldük dıye trıp atıyor hemsırelerın bir tanesı de oyleydı mısafır olduğum için kalacak yerımız yok 8 yasındakı kızımı odaya yanıma aldım gelip gidip çocuk gitsin dıyo terbizsiz gidecek yeri olsa zaten orda sefıl etmem çocuğumu yani gelınecek hastane değil bılmıyoduk heryerdede söylicem artık böyle rezıllık yok
Hastanenin acil bölümündeki darp raporu verilmesi konusunda yardımcı olan/ sorumluluk alan jandarma bölümündeki jandarma personeli bana karşı oldukça kaba ve uygunsuz davranışlarda bulundu; darp raporu ile ilgili sorduğum sorularda bile bana bağırarak cevap verdi; olay nedeniyle yaşadığım üzüntüyü dile getirme şeklimden dolayı beni odadan çıkarttı; çevredeki insanlar bile onun bana olan tavrını aşırı sert buldu ve hatta bana acıdıklarına dair yorumlarda bulundular. Umarım bana karşı olan bu gereksiz sert tavrının karşılığını bulur; onu Allah'a havale ediyorum, umarım o da hiçbir gereği yokken birisinden bağırık yer, azar işitir; umarım ona da ondan üst bir insan kaba davranır; eğer bu yorumu görürse diye ekstra belirtiyorum. Sizin bu kaba ve bana bağıran tavırlarınıza sırf benim raporumu oluşturmanız için katlandım asla yan yana gelmek isteyeceğim bir insan bile değilsiniz, görevinizi lütfen layığı ile ve kimseye kaba davranmadan yerine getirin lütfen!
Klasik devlet hastane anlayışından birazdaha iyi ve ilgili bir hastane. Acil servisi gayet donanımlı ve yeterli branş doktoru ve personeli var.
Disappointing and overpriced service
During our holiday in Turkey, my pregnant girlfriend and I had an unfortunate experience at Anatolia Hospital that left us both distressed and dissatisfied. My girlfriend, who is four months pregnant, had a fall from an electric scooter, hurting her hand and back. Concerned about our baby's well-being, we called an ambulance to take us to the hospital for an urgent scan.

Upon arrival, we were left waiting in the reception for approximately 30 minutes without any explanation about the delay or the process. Eventually, a receptionist took us to see a doctor who examined my girlfriend's hand and back. However, our primary concern was to check on the baby, and we were informed that an additional fee was required for this service. We agreed to the extra charge, and they mentioned calling a doctor from his holiday to perform the scan.

We waited another 20 minutes before being taken to a different room for the scan. To our surprise, we saw the same doctor, who had been present in the hospital earlier, conducting the scan. This raised questions about the necessity of the additional delay and the claim that the doctor was "called from the holidays."

Moreover, the charges for the services rendered were exorbitant and seemed unjustified, given the standard of care and the unnecessary waiting times we experienced.

While we were eventually able to confirm that our baby was fine, the overall experience was far from satisfactory. The lack of clear communication, the excessive wait times, and the feeling of being overcharged left us with a negative impression of the hospital's services.

We urge the hospital to improve its patient communication, transparency in billing, and overall service efficiency to ensure better care for future patients.
Hello if you are coming from the England or UK and are required to use your insurance is best to look somewhere else for treatment. I have been there yesterday to the international reception and they talked to my wife and my dather that she was very sick with fever and vomiting and barely standing, like we where second class human beings. They refuse to talk to my insurance operator on the phone , and after that they refused to give us any information why they are not accepting us to get treated. The private sectors are in it for the money big time 1500 £ for a day in the hospital just paracetamol and glucose intravenous ,at the moment in a different private hospital. Best to consider government hospital .
I would like to thank the team of Dr. Ahmet Turan Dagli for the perfect care they gave me. I was hospitalized with acute back pain and underwent lumbar spine surgery. The performance of the doctor and his team was truly excellent. My attending physician in Prague confirmed this to me yesterday. Thank you very much again and I wish your hospital every success. Your work and human approach is the best advertisement you can make for your country.
Daniela Sediva Gabrielova
Very rude staff, there are no doctors only people who do business, at first you need to pay but from the moment you pay and they get the money, nobody cares about you, they only want the money. I needed to wait 4 hours with my 5 month old baby and then they told us that there was no doctor and we needed to go back home. Before you can be a doctor you need to be a human and those people are not humans.
Hello, I arrived in hospital Anatolia hospiral arround 21.30 with injured feet from 16.00 on the beach. My foot got worse arround 20.30. First clinique sent me to your hospital for x ray. And after filling in so many documents no one paid any attention to me. Then I asked Irem for the X ray and said I am with big pain. She shouted to me that I should wait and everyone is with pain. I waited at least 2 hours for alcohol test and also for medical examination and X ray till 1.30. I think staff should be more friendly. I received good attention just from Shirin, the translator. But she arrived after 12.00 am unfoerunately . 3 hours just waiting and not knowining what is happening
To [Hospital's Alanya Anatolia Private],

I am writing to express my concern regarding the treatment I received from on [17.06.2024 and 12 pm]. I felt that my concerns were dismissed and that I was not taken seriously.

This experience has left me with the impression that my health and well-being were not prioritized. I request that this incident be thoroughly investigated and that necessary measures are taken to prevent similar situations in the future.

Alanya Eğitim ve araştırma Hastanesi'ne 18/05/2024 tarihinde saat sabah 07:30 da kızıma iğne yaptırmak için gittik.Mesai saat 08:00 da başlıyor bekleyin dediler.Bir iğne yaptırmak için yarım saat bekledik.Bence tabeladaki ACİL yazısını kaldırın çünkü bu hastanede çalışan personelin hiç acelesi yok.Şaka gibi bir hastane maalesef
Прекрасные врачи, современное оборудование, не самый свежий ремонт, но достаточно удобные палаты, приветливый персонал, прекрасный вид из любого окна.
Обратились экстренно в эту больницу с острой болью в нижнем отделе кишечника после лечения и приёма лекарств в связи с проблемой скачкообразного высокого артериального давления у пожилого человека, которое было назначено другим врачом, частной практики. Боль не проходила в течении недели. Человек практически корчился от боли по окончанию. Обратившись в эту больницу уже не надеялись на улучшение. На рецепшен приняла девушка, выслушала, отправила к врачу на измерение давления и температуры, далее отправили в "не отложную помощь". Здесь молодой врач, Samer зовут, проверил состояние живота сейчас, опросил. Было назначено анализ крови и мочи. Конечно пришлось немного подождать результатов. Оказалось отягощение организма, Из-за лечения скачкообразного артериального давления. Назначены капельницы. Стало ощутимо лучше. Мы идём на поправку. Доктор рекомендовал дальнейшее лечение в поликлинике касаемо повышенного артериального давления. Спасибо большое, что есть такие профессионалы. Больница конечно не в лучшем виде, поскольку наверное государственная. Требуется ремонт. Много людей,требующих медицинской помощи.Очередь. К вечеру людей стало ещё больше.Но это не так важно, когда к тебе не относятся как экспериментальному кролику. Опять же благодаря такому врачу. Пусть Бог его оберегает и благословит!
I came here for Corona vaccine
It was fast service. You can find the servisler for the vaccine.
از e_nabiz وقت گرفتم برای این بیمارستان، آدرس خیلی سر راست بود. واکسن بایونتک فایزر آلمانی رو زدم در این بیمارستان، بخش servisler این کار را انجام داد. خیلی سریع بودند.