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Chris Bing
at 2024 Jul 17
Chris Bing
at 2024 Jul 17
I was kind of enthralled with stories of Scott etc when I was a kid, so this was pretty interesting for me to learn so much more about Admundsen. It's a very old school museum though. There's also a *lot* and it's not very intuitively laid out. Cinema bit is ok, though many headsets seemed broken.
We really enjoyed visiting this museum. Explain with simple stories and with some activities along the way. It was great to know the ship from inside. The ship is well preserved and we could smell the stories that it has to tell.
I really loved to there up! Great view, great atmosphere and amazing experience!
As part of the Akler Brygge visit you can see a modern museum
We have not got inside but it’s located in a very nice area of Oslo
Haben zwar das Museum aus Zeitgründen nicht besucht, aber bereits der Eingangsbereich ist vielversprechend. Parkplätze eher Mangelware, eine Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln wird empfohlen.
Great place to visit, you can climb to the top and have a nice view of the city.
A very broad set of displays of the natural world. Their collection dates back to well over a century, having survived two world wars.

Their taxidermied selection of birds was quite impressive.
People in these review cal the art bad but it's art from today so don't except modern art or older works.
The art is really good and the building is nice!
I did it with the olso pass and it's a very good extra to visit!
Amazing place! Also has a bathroom/toilet at the museum that is also accessible to wheelchair use!
at 2024 Jul 08
at 2024 Jul 08
Impressive ski jumping infrastructure, has to be seen in real life to really appreciate the size of the jumping platform. Easily accessible with the city transport.
at 2024 Jul 03
at 2024 Jul 03
A beautiful museum on the arctic expiditions.

Very high quality and interactive exhibitions. I loved the movie which really helped cohesivly summarise the Info on the boards.

The walls are covered with highly detailed descriptions of various aspects of the expiditions, also présented are great photos of the expiditions.

The gift shop offers some very good Books AT some very competitive prices.

The museum gives a brilliant balance between a more traditional Reading museum and a more interactive and relaxed experience.

My only critisim is that at times even as an adult i had difficulty distinguishing between interactive displays and parts of the exhibition not to be touched. Especially in the boats where its dark.
Gorgeous buildings! Interesting exhibition, few not kid appropriate though..
06.2024/ Extremely enjoyable, both for children and for elderly people; well organized, many useful information perfectly presented.
We bought at the entrance a combo family ticket with which we accessed the all three museums, including Maritime Museum and Kon-Tiki
We start visiting around 11:00 a.m. and it seems that this is how we avoided the first big wave of tourists from 09:30-10:00 arriving by coach from the cruises.
This Olympic Ski jump site is home to Oslo's Olympics in 1952 and 1994. The ski museum has the largest amount of ski exhibits in the world. The ski jump is now home to crazy people that want to jump off an Olympic Ski jump to zipline. So we did it! It was so much fun!
Wonderful, highly entertaining place. If you are in Oslo this place is a must. The museum is a great experience even if you are not a fan of skiing, as it’s full of fun interactive activities. But the best part is the view from the top of the tower, and the opportunity to jump from the tower. It is super fun and I highly recommend to visit this place. It is easily accessible and there is plenty of parking opportunities if you are with car.
Debbie Fogel
at 2024 Jun 10
Debbie Fogel
at 2024 Jun 10
A visit is a must and adequate time would be advisable. Upon purchasing tickets we were told people spend an average of 1-1 1/2 hours here. I highly suggest 2 hours. Tons of information! Start with the video, progress through the museum, and don't forget to check out both ships...yes, you can walk on board.
Coup de cœur pour ce musée. En tant que française, ça a été enrichissant de découvrir la perception de l’immigration en Norvège que ce soit du point de vue des jeunes qui ont contribuer aux œuvres ou des personnalités politiques évoquées. Il vaut mieux maîtriser la langue norvégienne un minimum pour bien saisir les messages. Certaines étaient interactives ce qui apportait une dimension intéressante aux expositions.
Well, I didn't like the exhibitions or let's say I didn't understand them. But still I think the place is worth a visit.
Kleines, aber feines Schifffahrtsmuseum mit schön erklärter Geschichte.
Nice view point for city view. Recommend to go there and parking and toilet is free there......
Irina Lysenko
at 2024 Jun 01
Irina Lysenko
at 2024 Jun 01
A cute museum with a wonderful guide! Have us a very knowledgeable explanation about the textile industry and industrialisation of Oslo! Thank you so much
This is a great museum if you have time. It’s not a must do according to me. They had couple of ships and videos showing their polar expedition. It was interesting but can be skipped.
Northern light show and other show mentioned are ok at best as there is lots of light.
It was an ideal place to spend time on the last day, lots of lockers, clean bathrooms and taxidermy were very well presented as were some of the other exhibits. However, it wasn't clear what buildings you could go in as a lot looked shut up tight and private if it weren't for me seeing other people go through I would not have attempted to enter.
Eine wirklich gelungene Ausstellung, die auf wichtige Themen in unserer Gesellschaft aufmerksam macht.
Loved the old exploration era ships and plane. Really makes you feel small in both time and space to realize how much people have done to explore the outer edges of earth.

Very cool that you can enter the ships and iglo, but would've loved a little more interactive routes, like the small challenges they had in the bigger ship with knots and fun facts/quiz questions.
Great experience and lots of stairs. Great views from the top as well. Interesting museum to explore and learn more about the history of sking.
Truly fascinating building. Be sure to go up to the 3rd floor for the view, it’s spectacular.

Speaking of the art, you have to be a truly contemporary art lover, cause some of the pieces are pretty questionable, to say the least.
The views are great, but probably more appealing during winter! Still worth the climb and views. You can go for free till about half way (see photo) before you reach the museum which you need to pay for and then it allows you to go to the very top of the ski jump. We did not want to pay, and didn’t have the time to.
A unique spot outside of the city center and accessible by public transit. It's only open on Sundays, advertised times 11:30am-4pm, though I arrived a bit before opening and found it was already up and running. For some reason, the online ticket site only lists tickets available for Saturday dates, but once purchased, the ticket listed Sunday as the date of the reservation. It's an unnecessarily confusing online ticket system, especially since crowds were minimal and you can easily get tickets on-site.
This is one of Oslo's best kept secrets, because of the limited opening hours (Sundays from 12-16). It has the same theme as Vigelandsparken, but presented as a wall painting in a very intimate way.
Intessante Ausstellung über Widerstand und Kollaboration
Dieses Museum liegt direkt gegenüber des Fram Museums. Mit der Buslinie 30 ist man schnell aus der Stadt da. Im Sommer gibt es auch eine Fährverbindung. Mit dem Oslo Pass kann man dieses Museum kostenlos besuchen
A great natural history museum, lots of interesting facts, interactive activities.
Good value
Cafe and gift shops
Large gardens
Botanical gardens
Es ist nicht ganz klar, was die Ausstellung mitteilen will. Es existiert kein roter Faden
Kein besonders interessantes Museum. Im Fram Polar Museum nebenan, gibt es eine interessantere Daueraustellung. Die obere Etage ist ausschließlich für Kinder gemacht worden. Interessante Informationen waren nicht wirklich meiner Meinung nach vorhanden
Great location and an amazing space to display some of Norway’s leading modern artists. It was a fun addition to our self guided walking tour of the old town and harbor. Oslo is such a beautiful city.
Great Natural History museum (and geology) in the botanical garden. Not too big but well set up. The exhibitions are on a conventional side. Nothing too fancy except the new climate change exhibit that has it own little building.
at 2024 Feb 19
at 2024 Feb 19
This was a wonderful experience. Almost everything was accessible to people with disabilities, except for the hole in the ship. The movie was terrific, and the 270-degree view from the top of the ship was amazing. It wasn't too crowded today. The museum is not just about one specific explorer; it covers all of the Arctic and Antarctic explorers. You should plan to spend at least 2-3 hours here. There are also two other museums on-site that you may want to visit.reat experience. Everything is wheelchair accessible but the hole in the ship.
Hat mir richtig gut gefallen, es war für jeden was dabei und vorallem gab es viele Bereiche zum reinklettern oder ausprobieren. So hat man gleich eine kleine Zeitreise mit gebucht. Auch ein toller Bereich extra für Kinder. Wir hatten leider nicht ausreichend Zeit so das wir nicht in alle Ausstellungen reinschauen konnten. Ein kleines nettes Café rundet den Besuch ab.
Leicht zu übersehen und daher auch wenig besucht, aber Wetter Einblick in Norwegen im zweiten Weltkrieg. Gut gemacht und sowohl norwegische als as auch deutsche Texteinblicke. Generell aber norwegische und englische Schautafeln. Etwas kühl im Winter, aber lohnt einen Besuch.
Ein Museum über die Entwicklung der Schifffahrt in Norwegen. Im Keller wird aktuell ein Wikingerboot nachgebaut, man kann dort Freiwillige sehen, die mit Äxten Teile des Bootes herstellen.
Im Erdgeschoss eine Ausstellung von Bildern norwegischer Künstler zum Thema See und Seeungeheuer (das letztere im 1. Stock).
Im 1. Stock dann eine (sehr) kurze Zeitleiste mit Ausstellungsstücken der Seefahrt von den Wikingern bis heute (Kreuzfahrtschiffe). Ansonsten (und sehr zu empfehlen) ein großer Bereich für Kinder mit zum Teil Geschichten, elektronischen Spielen und vielen passend zubereiteten Informationen.
Beautiful during sunset!
So calm and quite, relax mood guaranteed. Make sure to walk all the way to the end, highly recommended to have a sit and enjoy the view from there.
This is the second time that I went to see the Norwegian rendition of MOMA. It was a beautiful day and we just walked the grounds around the 2 halves of the building bisected by a canal. They have a man made gravel beach which some people avail themselves of. They said the water was not too cold. It is July of course. 20C beautiful Oslo day. Just let in the sun and have fun. Maybe in the winter we try it again....
Ein trotz seines zunächst unscheinbar wirkendes, aber dennoch extrem beeindruckendes Zeugnis der Grausamkeiten der deutschen Besatzung und des Mutes der norwegischen Zivilbevölkerung und des bewaffneten Widerstandes gegen den Naziterror. Auf mehreren Etagen sowie mit zahlreichen Originalausstellungsstücken, historischen Zeitungsartikeln und Audiostationen sowie mit größter Liebe zum Detail angefertigten Minipanoramen werden hier nahezu alle Facetten der "Heimatfront" im Kampf gegen nationalsozialistische Gewaltherrschaft abgedeckt - auch und gerade für Interessierte aus Deutschland eine zutiefst bewegende Ausstellung, die bei der aktuellen Lage, in der Neonazismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus erneut ihre Fänge nach den Errungenschaften von Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft ausstrecken, wichtiger ist denn je! Absolutes Pflichtprogramm jedes Oslobesuchs!
Graži ekspozicija senų patrankų po atviru dangumi. No centro Oslo 15min. Senos kareivinės.
Trangt, dårlig ventilert, med alt for få toaletter.
Eneste positive er nærhet til den fantastiske bistroen.
Immerhin kostenlos… im inneren wie ein Schulprojekt. Leider wurden wir enttäuscht.
Ich habe bis jetzt nicht verstanden, was uns die Ausstellung mitteilen sollte.
Für alle etwas, die sich für Seefahrt und deren (norwegischer) Geschichte interessieren.
Es gibt maritime Kunst zu sehen, dann Schautafeln mit historischen Gegenständen, die die Geschichte der norwegischen Seefahrt von den Wikingern bis heute. Historische Boote, Modelle und begehbare historische Kabinen. Für 1400 NOK kann man hier nichts falsch machen.
at 2023 Apr 25
at 2023 Apr 25
Absolute Empfehlung für einen Trip nach Oslo. Interessante Ausstellungen und das kostenlos.
Lecker Krabbenbrot. Schöner Klinkerbau. Aber deswegen waren wir nicht hier. Das Museum besteht hauptsächlich aus Multimedia, viele Schiffsmodelle. Ich hätte mir mehr details zur Technik und Entwicklung erwartet. Dennoch zeitweilig.
Mik Del Mar
at 2020 Jan 27
Mik Del Mar
at 2020 Jan 27
Un luogo di interesse storico, dove si legge anche nelle bandiere la storia di questa splendida nazione. Da visitare assolutamente se si passa ad Oslo.
Hall fylt med historie.
Sehr gut gemacht mit Filmen über Toleranz "aber", Entwerfen von eigenen Gesetzen u. v. a. Dazu noch kostenlos 😉
Super tolle Platz! Die Ausstelung ist in zwei Etagen aufgeteilt! Beide waren eindrucksvoll! Man ist einbezogen die Kunst auszuprobieren, daran teilzunehmen. Das Thema Rassismus ist aus unterschiedliche Seiten dargestellt. Man darf sich an mehrere Stellen selbst äußern, z.B. Zettel aufschreiben oder direkt auf dem Wand sich eintragen u.Ä. Dadurch kann man die Erfahrung aus eigenem Leben vergleichen od. teilen!
Man sollte nicht vorbei gehen und unbedingt es anschauen! Eintritt ist frei!
Luogo storico interessante se appassionati di storia militare ed artiglieria. Ci possono essere cose più interessanti da vedere ad Oslo.