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لیست جاذبه‌های گردشگری های وینیپگ,کانادا به همراه نظرات

بهترین جاذبه‌های گردشگری ها در شهر وینیپگ

محبوب ترین جاذبه‌های گردشگری ها در وینیپگ از نظر کاربران


Visiting Saint Boniface Cathedral is like time travel, and it is a wonderful experience. The paintings, the history, the cemetery. This is definitely a place you need to visit not only as a tourist but also as a local.
A great jazz night with those favourite love songs. Perfect choice for everyone. Affordable price and well-organized arrangement and performance
The snack bar has great salads.
Lockers for your coats are free.
Free entry the second Sunday of each month.
Free parking on the streets on Sundays.
Never knew they even offered tours until we saw one and were informed it was a private tour. From what we heard it was very interesting and explained a lot.
A good place to visit and stroll around. But if you plan to do an in-depth viewing, would take an entire day to go through all the information and floors.
The view at the observation tower was amazing.
Overall Architectural masterpiece, an innovative concept in Museum and a clean new perspective and awareness of human rights. Very educative and inspiring, Awesome views. Dedicated and passionate staff. The Museum is good for the academia, researchers, Professional, Family and everyday tourist.
Don't leave Winnipeg Manitoba without a visit to the Canadian Museum of Human Rights...
One of the largest collections I've come across dedicated to Indigenous artwork from the North. It's a really beautiful space and centrally located downtown. I spent an hour there as I came near closing time and it was rushed - I could have used another hour.
Visited here with a friend. Largely free to roam most parts of the building when the politicians are not in session. Had to opportunity to see many areas of the building.
This happens to be my first, personal zoo visit.
It was an indepth experience where each animals detail was place just by the enclosure.
I enjoyed the performance from the Seals and Tiger.
The zoo has electric scotters for persons with disabilities and a detailed and readable map at all areas.
The most exciting part for me was seeing all the animals healthy and lively
A brilliant interactive museum focused on human rights, especially from the Canadian experience or history.

It's a 8 floors museum with all floors accessible to persons of disabilities.
It's rich in information and so captivating.

Hint, plan to spend 4 hours when planning a visit.
Assiniboine Park adalah sebuah taman besar yang terletak di Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada. Taman ini adalah salah satu tujuan rekreasi dan budaya yang paling terkenal di Winnipeg dan menawarkan berbagai atraksi dan kegiatan untuk pengunjung dari segala usia.

1. Taman yang Luas: Assiniboine Park mencakup area yang luas dengan pemandangan alam yang indah, danau buatan, dan jalur-jalur berjalan yang sempurna untuk berpiknik, bersepeda, atau berjalan-jalan.

2. The Assiniboine Park Conservatory: Konservatori Assiniboine Park adalah rumah kaca yang menampilkan berbagai koleksi tanaman tropis dan subtropis. Pengunjung dapat menjelajahi berbagai taman yang berbeda di dalamnya.

3. Assiniboine Park Zoo: Seperti yang telah saya jelaskan sebelumnya, Assiniboine Park juga memiliki kebun binatang yang besar dan beragam koleksi hewan dari seluruh dunia.

4. Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Taman ini juga menjadi rumah bagi Canadian Museum for Human Rights, yang merupakan museum hak asasi manusia yang mengesankan dan penting. Museum ini berfokus pada sejarah hak asasi manusia dan mendorong dialog tentang isu-isu hak asasi manusia di Kanada dan seluruh dunia.

5. Atraksi Lainnya: Selain yang disebutkan di atas, Assiniboine Park juga memiliki taman bermain anak-anak, area piknik, taman bunga yang indah, kolam renang musim panas, dan fasilitas olahraga, menjadikannya tempat yang cocok untuk bersantai dan beraktivitas di alam terbuka.

Assiniboine Park adalah tempat yang populer bagi penduduk setempat dan pengunjung untuk menikmati alam, seni, budaya, dan rekreasi. Ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk berlibur, belajar, atau sekadar bersantai di lingkungan yang indah.
I used to take my kids here and now get to enjoy taking my grandkids. Every child should play here at least once. It was a little disappointing to have some areas under Reno’s. I do look forward to them being open again.
It's a nice place to walk around with family and friends. The surroundings are peaceful and lots of trees, benches too to sit down and read books so might as well to bring one if you want to go here.
Edit: the museum staff has changed. There was a misunderstanding and instead of politely working it out they treated us like criminals. The staff use to be the nicest folks. Now be ready for the Tigard.

My kids love it even my 11 year old. My Autistic son who is 8 year old loves the sensory days (haven’t had one in ages), hoping they start soon. He loved the trains and everything. We miss this special event and hope the museum brings it back. We are starved for activities especially during the winter.
یک پارک در است وینیپگ ، مانیتوبا ، کانادا. هیئت مدیره پارک های عمومی وینیپگ در سال 1893 تشکیل شد و زمین اولیه این پارک را در سال 1904 خریداری کرد. اگرچه قبل از آن استفاده می شد ، اما این پارک به طور رسمی در سال 1909 افتتاح شد و در شمال جنگل Assiniboine ، در امتداد رودخانه Assiniboine واقع شده است. برای مردم Assiniboineنامگذاری شده است . این پارک 1100 هکتار (450 هکتار) را پوشش می دهد که 400 هکتار (160 هکتار) به سبک منظر انگلیسی طراحی شده اند .
第一次世界大戦中の1914年、カナダ軍の獣医ハリー・コルバーン中尉は、欧州西部戦線に派兵される途中、オンタリオ州ホワイトリバーで小熊を売る猟師に出会いました。母熊をしとめた猟師には、その雌の小熊は不要だったのです。 孤児の小熊を哀れに思った中尉は$20で買い取りました。




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