انجمن راهنمایان محلی

Razvan Gaspar

5 نظر در 1 مکان
Apollo and Daphne
2023 Jan 04
Muzeu Cetate Enisala
2018 Aug 23
Ro. - Un mic muzeu care prezinta istoria cetatii de la Enisala si cercetarile arheologice efectuate aici.
En. - A small museum which shows the history of the fortress from Enisala and the archaeological research that was done here.
Archaeological Park
2018 Jul 27
Ro. - Zona arheologica ce prezinta o parte dintr-un cartier de epoca romana, adus la lumina zilei in urma sapaturilor arheologice desfasurate intre anii 1971-1974. Astazi pot fi vazute fundatia zidurilor cladirilor descoperite.
En. - Archaeological area which shows part of the Roman period neighborhood, brought up to light during the 1971-1974 archaeological excavations. Today you can see the foundation of different buildings discovered here.
Styrian Armoury
2018 Jul 01
En. - A very nice building with a Venetian style architecture, which holds many statues that have a rich local history.
Ro. - O cladire foarte frumoasa cu arhitectura in stil venetian, care adaposteste statui cu o bogata istorie locala.
Magazin Hong Kong
2018 Apr 24
Ro. - Dupa cum indica si numele magazinului, aici poti gasi obiecte de vestimentatie foarte ieftine. En - After the name of the store says it as well, you can find very cheap clothes here.