انجمن راهنمایان محلی

بهترین شهر بازی های فرانسه به ترتیب و نظرات کاربران

شهر بازی های برتر با امتیاز بالا

بهترین شهر بازی ها از دید کاربران


Was a cold day but had a good family day with all attractions. We had to see the one we would never do also but for those looking for adventure and a good dose of adrenine this should be the place
Great and massive place, but I believe you need for sure 2 days! Even though it is far from Paris, it's worth the effort!
I recently visited the Eiffel Tower and the Carousel of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a must-see for any visitor to Paris. It is an iconic landmark that offers stunning views of the city. The Carousel of the Eiffel Tower is a fun and unique way to see the tower up close. It is a great option for families with children.
I was very impressed with the Eiffel Tower. It is even more impressive in person than it is in pictures. The tower is very well-maintained and the views from the top are amazing. I would highly recommend visiting the Eiffel Tower to anyone visiting Paris.
I was also very impressed with the Carousel of the Eiffel Tower. It is a very unique and fun way to see the tower up close. The carousel is very well-maintained and the staff is very friendly. I would highly recommend the Carousel of the Eiffel Tower to anyone visiting Paris, especially families with children.
Overall, I had a great time visiting the Eiffel Tower and the Carousel of the Eiffel Tower. I would highly recommend both attractions to anyone visiting Paris.
Chantal Leclerc
at 2023 Nov 17
Chantal Leclerc
at 2023 Nov 17
Super spaßige Attraktionen.
Boss Gunshot
at 2023 Oct 22
Boss Gunshot
at 2023 Oct 22
Richtig cooles fahrgeschäft, Ambiente sehr schön und detailgetreu gestaltet. Ein Muss für jeden Autofan
Klaus Schiefer
at 2023 Jul 18
Klaus Schiefer
at 2023 Jul 18
Nette Autodrom Alternative
Es un bello lugar. En el carrousel pueden subirse personas mayores. Hay lugares donde comer en su alrededor. Igual pequeñas tiendas donde venden souvenirs. En la orilla del río Rin hay restaurantes de comidas rápidas o puedes quedarte ahí a cenar. Los precios no son tan accesibles son turísticos. Es una gran experiencia. Cuando la torre se enciende en su totalidad es una experiencia para tu espíritu. Me encantó.
에펠탑을 배경으로 하는 회전목마의 멋진 야경을 바라볼 수 있는 장소입니다. 코로나 전에 다녀왔는데 당시의 야경은 아직도 기억에 남습니다.
Mario Siegert
at 2023 May 24
Mario Siegert
at 2023 May 24
Das hat Spaß gemacht. 👍👍👍
París es un lugar de encanto y romanticismo. No puede ser menos su Torre Eiffel y demás zonas de interés turístico. Paris lugar de donde vienen los niños jajaja…
It's exactly what it is in the pictures. A delightful experience while taking in the views of the Eiffel Tower. Its worth checking what time it actually closes bc on Google it says 8pm but they stayed open way past 10pm. Yes it's 6 euros per person and a "photographer" will come and take your picture when the tower is in the background but she was by no means professional and the photos were hilariously bad but we paid 10 euros for a snap to get rid of change! One of those things you should do just for the fun of it.
Big Kids also Welcome

While walking around Paris one would come across the Carrousel near the Tower and its great way to feel young again and have a good laugh while whirling around like one so often did when the circus came to town. Certainly changes the mood for the day....

well worth a turn!!
Oliver Schömann
at 2017 Aug 02
Oliver Schömann
at 2017 Aug 02
Man fährt hier mit kleinen Autos, die prinzipiell ähnlich wie die Fahrzeuge beim Autoscooter funktionieren. Allerdings hängt man hier locker an Schienen fest. Man sollte unbedingt ein fahrunbegabtes Kind ans Steuer lassen. Dann eckt man allenthalben irgendwo an, und das Ganze wird recht lustig. Als langbeiniger Erwachsener sollte man allerdings blaue Flecken an den Schienbeinen einkalkulieren. Leider darf man nicht auf vorausfahrende Schnarchtüten auffahren.
Daniel Brandt
at 2017 Mar 07
Daniel Brandt
at 2017 Mar 07
Was für ein Spass - wir dachten erst "Was soll dieses Langweilige rumgefahre" aber man muss echt aufpassen, da man trotz Schienen lenken muss, um nicht dauernd anzustoßen und vor allem muss man auch bremsen und Gas geben. Wir sind aus Versehen meiner Frau hinten reingerauscht, die fand das nicht sooo lustig....