انجمن راهنمایان محلی

بهترین دبیرستان‌ های عربستان سعودی به ترتیب و نظرات کاربران

دبیرستان‌ های برتر با امتیاز بالا

بهترین دبیرستان‌ ها از دید کاربران


حديثي عن مرحلة الكي جي، المكان مرتب والمديرة روان لطيفة ومتعاونة وتسعى للتطوير ومساعدتها موضي، ولكن لدي استفهامات كثيرة :
- هل يعقل لنا قرابة الشهر ومنطقة الألعاب الكببرة تحت الصيانة حتى الآن!! ألا يستطيع المالك شراء غيرها وتفادي التأخير غير المبرر؛هل الدراجات تحتاج صيانة؛مطبخ البنات،قطع الليقو الكبيرة! حاولت المديرة إيجاد حل سريع بتوفير منطقة العاب صغيرة ولكنها مملة فهي تشبه العابهم في المنزل ؛هؤلاء أطفال يحتاجون بيئة تجذبهم وتحببهم بالمدرسة؛وليس العاب مكررة توجد في كل منزل؛ خاصة انهم بدأو لايثقون فينا لأنها كانت من عوامل الإقناع بدخول المدرسة ورأوها عند التسجيل،ويوم دخلوا مالقوها موجودة!!! لابد من تدخل وتصرف حكيم وسريع من المالك،أطفالي وأطفال كثير من الأمهات كرهوا الدراسة بسبب الملل .

- تفعيل صالة الرياضة حتى الآن ما دخلوها فقط شكل.

- تكثيف الفعاليات الحركية والممتعة خاصة كي جي١،٢ يحتاجون ترغيب تحبيب وليس دراسة فقط؛يعني طبخ ،يوم شاطئ، لبس تنكري ؛فكروا شوي بهالجانب أطفالي غابوا ثلاث أيام بسبب قلة الجانب الترفيهي وتعلمون أهميته في هذه المرحلة الحرجة؛أتمنى أخذ هده الأمور بعين الاعتبار؛ لأني أفكر بنقلهم الفصل الثاني لهذا السبب.
- مقترح للتطوير:تغيير لبس العاملات بألوان ورسومات جميلة تناسب المرحلة وتدريبهم على التعامل مع الأطفال ابتسامة وحب وضحك.
- توسيع شبابيك الفصول
أجبار الأستاذات على تفعيل كتابة الأطفال على السبورة الكبيرة فهذا يزيد من ثقة الطفل بنفسه وعدم الاقتصار على سبورات صغيره يجيبونها
over rated compared to the education services offered,
they are more interested in showing fancy and classy image than actual education.

in addition bullying to students by students and teachers is not being dealt with on a high level, instead they try to solve it case by case.
بمناسبة قرب العودة للمدارس اود ان اشكر مدارس الفرسان العالمية لما وجدته من اهتمام ودعم وحب لابني في مرحلة رياض الاطفال
بدءا من المديرة الناور والادارية أ. البندري ..
وقائدة صف ladybug kg2
الاستاذة القديرة امجاد العبدالسلام والاستاذة البشوشة حصة العتيبي..
ولا ننسى معلمة العربي أ. نوف القحطاني ..
تجربة رااااائعة وسعيدة لابني فيها وشكرا جزيلا لهم صنعوا ذكريات رائعة لابني ♥️♥️♥️
An amazing school with great staff creates an inspiring and nurturing environment for students. The dedicated teachers and supportive staff go above and beyond to ensure each student receives personalized attention and guidance. Their commitment to excellence fosters a culture of curiosity, resilience, and mutual respect. This dynamic atmosphere not only enhances academic achievement but also promotes personal growth and lifelong learning, making it a truly exceptional place for education.
This school Is very nice in terms of education concepts teachers.. They teach in a way that kids understand really good..but there are some things where I want improvement is there's no Islamic studies in English, no strictness of uniform kids wear casual everyday this makes school repo bad..
I’m overwhelmed that my kids are studying in this esteemed organization.
It’s been a year but there is a drastic change in my kids performance and excellence.
Highly recommend Dome if you want British curriculum
Registering and sending my children at Dome International Schools has been an exceptional decision that has positively transformed both their academic journey and personal growth. There is no such thing as a perfect organization as we humans are not born perfect. Every businesses like a school all need a return of investment and it is uncouth to say that Dome is only a money making business. All businesses are. What impressed me so much about Dome International Schools is their passion to enhance their students' potentials coupled with teachers and parents efforts. It's a concerted effort to be exact. It can never be a one man show.

The faculty at Dome International Schools are not just educators, but mentors who are deeply committed to the success and well-being of each student.

As a parent, I appreciate the open communication channels between the school and families, ensuring that parents are involved and informed every step of the way. They have ClassDojo, scholar system, pioneer, and they even send sms to update us parents.

I am satisfied with how Dome has honed my children to be the best version of themselves. Of course, I alloted my time with them as well, as the school is not 24 hours on the look for my kids. I do my part as their parent and Dome does the rest of that when they are at school.

Words are insufficient to express my thankfulness to Dome International Schools.
I was coming to register my children but looking at these reviews is terrifying and the fact that the school management only respond to positive reviews and ignore the other reviews or even attempt to address the parent’s issues seems like they completely ignore development. We had our experience with money- based schools before where their main focus was on attracting joining student rather than maintaining the existing ones. I don’t want to go through that again.
This will place will end your kid with depression. honestly my kid one day was hitting her head on the wall so I will let her skip school .Yes they give the boys section a better treatment but still they let them play the full day and you study for them at home.and the graduation party was something else the girls paid 400 and did nothing but walk up and down the stairs and it was a total disaster grade 6 and 9 where together and all the girls where standing in random places.on the other hand the boys graduation party was good and they only paid 200 and even boys who didn’t pay still graduated was super organized and there where plays and dances in the party . At the end worse place for kids my kid will homeschool next year because of this school .
Very very satisfied with the school Allhumdulilah. I have noticed remarkable changes in my daughter's overall personality Masha Allah. The school is 10/10 on cleanliness, hygiene and discipline. The faculty is amazing. A kid accelerates not just in academics but also mentally socially and physically.