انجمن راهنمایان محلی

نظرات — 8

Miroslav Šupej
at 2024 Mar 14
Miroslav Šupej
at 2024 Mar 14
Užili jsme si příjemný večer s úžasným degustačním menu, ke kterému byl podán podrobný výklad velice milou obsluhou a v kterém nás překvapili zajímavé chutě Česko-slovenské kuchyně v moderním provedení.
Nataliia S.
at 2024 Mar 12
Nataliia S.
at 2024 Mar 12
Highly recommend.
The dining experience at this restaurant was delightful, thanks to the very good food served and great team. The waiters' friendly demeanor truly enhanced our meal, as they answered all our questions about the menu with a smile and even provided helpful tips on popular dishes. Their attentive service added a warm touch to the overall ambiance, making it a memorable evening out.
Mau Ro
at 2024 Mar 03
Mau Ro
at 2024 Mar 03
Cucina di ispirazione locale, menù molto corto. Vantano una cantina molto fornita e si può optare per la cena degustazione con vini abbinati. Personalmente ho preferito il menù alla carta accompagnato da una buona birra. Molto apprezzato il fatto che ti portino due shootini così da poter scegliere tra la pils e la stout. Personale gentile e preparato, come il proprietario, parlano tutti un perfetto inglese. Avrei preferito cenare nella sala più spartana ma sono stato fatto accomodare in quella un po’ più “lussuosa”.
Terry Checketts
at 2024 Jan 28
Terry Checketts
at 2024 Jan 28
Wonderful Rustic Decor. The staff were SO attentive, were able to explain to us the various items on the menu in English to us. The Food was amazing, so tasty and wholesome. We caught them on their LAST night…. As closing for a month for refurbishment. such a shame as i would be back again and again to work through the delicious menu. So many good sounding things i would of tried, The mixed plate was Great. Thank you again. What a wonderful experience.
Elisa Ki
at 2024 Jan 10
Elisa Ki
at 2024 Jan 10
Dneska s manželem jsme měli vynikající možnost ochutnat to nejlepší české jídlo! Přijeli jsme do Prahy z Ostravy na pár dnů. Neřeknu, že bylo moc těžké najít nějakou restauraci, ale dobrou, s velmi přátelskou obsluhou a hlavně s docela nízkými cenami - bylo to docela náročné! Na štěstí jsme našli toto místo! Jakmile jsme se tam zastavili, číšníci nás přivítali s velmi upřímným úsměvem (což je docela nezvyklá situace po celém Česku), dali nám možnost si vybrat stůl, jež se nám nejvíce líbil a laskavě nám vysvětlili jejich speciální vánoční jídelníček.
Navzdory tomu, že restaurace byla skoro plná, dostali jsme jídlo během 20min, což za mě je rekord😁 Manžel si objednal hovězí biftek s nějakou houbovou omáčkou a bramborovo-kaštanovým pyré (chtěla bych tohle pyréčko jíst celý život!), já jsem si objednala kachní konfit se sladkokyselým zelím, které bylo připraveno na červeném víně😍, a k tomu místo bramborových knedlíků (jak jsme všichni zvyklí) byli bramborové šišky (furt nechápu, proč se to nazývá šišky, spíš bramborové cihličky😁) Nebudu lhát, je to jedná z nejlepších kachen, co jsem někdy měla (určitě si nepočítám maminčinu). Na dezert jsem měla čokoládu s čokoládovým kremem a nějakou ovocnou směsí (která taky byla uvařena ve víně!) - VYNIKAJÍCÍ KOMBINACE mezi všemi ingrediencemi! Na konci večeře jsme dostali dáreček - domácí schnaps, který byl vyroben syny majitele této restaurace!
Nejlepší zážitek, který zpříjemnil naší návštěvu v Praze🥰
Velmi doporučujeme!
Clara L
at 2023 Dec 24
Clara L
at 2023 Dec 24
Delicious food! We went to the foodery which is the more informal/affordable option. We had Prague ham as entrée. Very nice! The duck, the goulash and the mixed Czech platter were amazing as well. The desserts were super good, too. 10/10 recommend!
Jump NYC
at 2023 Dec 19
Jump NYC
at 2023 Dec 19
We recently had a fancy 6 and 8 course dinner here and the food and the restaurant looked great, service was impeccable, prices absolutely adequate.
However, the fancy looking food tasted very bland, in german we would say "Schaumschlägerei" as there were many foamy sauces and dips which had not much taste to them at all. At some point, I had to ask for salt and pepper.
And no, I didn't have corona at the time 🤣
Jesseca Johnson
at 2023 Dec 02
Jesseca Johnson
at 2023 Dec 02
I just had the most wonderful meal at Czech Slovak Restaurant. I had the mushroom soup and the venison/game goulash. It was all just incredible - rich flavors perfectly melded together.

I was done with beer for the day, but they do provide samples if you're interested, which is very nice.

My waiter was excellent, very friendly and packed up my leftovers. The price was extremely reasonable.

This is everything you could want in a restaurant. I wish I could give it 10 stars!

Edit: had to come back for the homemade schnapps and dessert!

Don't miss the braised pear topped with absinthe and set on fire with walnut-cinnamon ice cream!

This restaurant was the most fun place I went in Prague. I wish I could come back and live in this neighborhood for a while.

A big thank you to Jakub, my favorite waiter ever ♥️