انجمن راهنمایان محلی

لیست جاذبه‌های گردشگری های شهر قدیمی,جمهوری چک به همراه نظرات

بهترین جاذبه‌های گردشگری ها در شهر شهر قدیمی

محبوب ترین جاذبه‌های گردشگری ها در شهر قدیمی از نظر کاربران


It is free to visit. The interior is splendid. The ceiling is well painted. Paintings are fabulous.
Dünyaca bilinen meşhur yazar Franz Kafka adına yapılan bu anıt onun hikayelerine atıfta bulunmaktadır. Prag şehrine gelenlerin kesinlikle görmesi gerekir.
history wise phenomenal and a big part of the czech/jewish culture.
Well worth a walk around the Jewish quarter.
A great interactive museum about medieval Prague. Really enjoyed the highlighted maquettes with audio explanation. Some of the screens were laggy/unresponsive when scrolling between images hence 4 stars. The staff is not great with English, but we were able to understand each other.

Make sure to fill in the short questionnaire in the second to last room, and you’ll get a small surprise at the end :)
Shujun Lin
at 2024 Mar 12
Shujun Lin
at 2024 Mar 12
Buy the tickets online! We came here two days, first day, the tickets were all sold out. Second day came in the morning. There were some tickets left. They take you inside, super interactive! Their elevators weren’t working, so If you are scared of stairs. You might want to sit this out.
Die Ausstellung hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Es gab eine Vielfalt an Werken von Dalí, Mucha und Warhol zu bestaunen, welche auf gelungene Weise ausgestellt wurden. Jede der Ausstellung war dabei auf jeweils einer eigenen Etage und es gab immer kleine Informationstexte auf englisch und tschechisch zu den Künstlern. Außerdem gab es einen kleinen Shop und kostenlose Toiletten. Ich kann die Ausstellung nur empfehlen!
at 2024 Mar 10
at 2024 Mar 10
집 근처에 있어서 방문. 수학여행 온 유럽 친구들같던데 여기서 단체로 사진 찍음
Great experience. Not to expensive. Takes about half an hour to walk around and see each illusion. Brilliant, glad we went.
We booked these tickets as a group. All of the Jewish Synagogue's are great places to visit and learn how the Jewish race or ethnicity has been treated so badly for centuries. Why do people hate them so much?
We enjoyed the tour. But I think that would have been nice to have a guide. A little expensive just for going up the tower. But the place is really well maintained, and they did a fantastic job with the interior. The tower is really nice.
We only allowed 1 hr if into history and particularly of Prague you could easily use 2-3 hr the interactive headset in English and other languages is great
Tatsächlich und überraschenderweise ein Besuch wert! Wir haben die sorgfältig gestalteten Ausstellungen von Warhol und Mucha gesehen und waren sehr beeindruckt.
Visited the town hall / astronomical clock in a recent visit to Prague. We pre-booked tickets online and needed to exchange the online code for paper tickets at the desk prior to entry. I believe this would be useful in the summer but it was quiet enough in early February to not worry. The best part is the top of the tower which gives a great view over the main square, there are lots of steps so keep this in mind before you go. There are lifts you can pay for but they only take you some of the way.
An absolute marvel of a museum. Very happy we found this place. The staff are the sweetest and I mean that.

Learned a ton and our favourite part was the visuals around how Prague was built under Charles IV. If you go during the weekday I think you’re almost guaranteed to be alone.
The best, more interesting, and colorful synagogue of the Jewish quarter. Bear in mind to arrive there on time. It closes early in the afternoon, around 16.30, and the site deserves some time to be admired.
Maria S
at 2024 Feb 17
Maria S
at 2024 Feb 17
The neighborhood is quite nice and beautiful, however we got very disappointed when we wanted to enter the Jewish Cemetery.
Unfortunately we decided to skip it, as we only wanted to buy tickets for the Cemetery and not for the Synagogues, but there was only 1 type of fare that includes them all.
Ist nur mit Führung zugänglich . Der Ticket Verkauf und die Führung beginnen im Rathaus. Es werden mehrere Sprachen angeboten. Ich empfehle es vorab zu buchen.
Good to observe but you can’t approach the paintings. I hoped to find outside the shell of Santiago de Compostella and I didn’t find it.
But worth to see the church. It’s free.
They have an enornous pipe organ! You can listen to it before Sunday Mass at 10 am. I participated in Mass as well. As a Catholic from Poland I was surprised by few people in chrurch (around 20 people in this enormous church). Despite the number of people, the priest did not hurry and everything was perfect.
The only thing is the temperature inside the temple. It's too cold.
Ho fatto benissimo a visitarlo, sale stupende, ho visto da vicino gli Apostoli che animano ad ogni ora lo spettacolo dell'orologio astronomico e vista mozzafiato su Piazza della Città Vecchia dalla torre astronomica. Da non perdere.
An amazing experience. If you're off to Prague this is the place to go! An absolute fantastic experience. My advice is to go early mornings, so to beat the crowds. The staff are really friendly taking photos for you as there's a lot of interactive portions. A really interesting take on art from different perspectives. Fantastic! Would highly recommend!
The museum is very interesting and definitely worth visiting. It's not very large, you can see all of it in less than an hour (depends on how much you want to analyze each item). There are some very interesting exhibits and you can take as many photos as you want (the staff even encourage and help you).
La struttura che ospita il famoso orologio astronomico di Praga. La torre vista dalla piazza della città vecchia è davvero molto bella da vedere.
Krásný návrat do historie. Každému doporučuji navštívit podzemí pod Staroměstským náměstím a nakouknout do původních obydlí obyvatelů Prahy. Průvodce Petr byl úžasný a příkladně se nám věnoval 👍👍👍
Very interactive museum and a delightful way to spend your time in Prague with your family or friends. Is not really big but it's big enough to spend approximately an hour there . .
Mi è piaciuto molto questo tour guidato all’interno della torre municipale della città vecchia (vecchio municipio).
Si visita l’interno della torre dell’orologio astronomico, la torre con vista sulla città (la vista è bellissima!) e i sotterranei!! La storia è super interessante.
I tour sono possibili in varie lingue.
In my opinion, an obligatory stop in Prague is this museum. It's engaging, even the workers invite you to take photos with the various works. They are extremely available and always ready for any questions or doubts. The museum is very welcoming and as soon as you enter you see some works but the most beautiful ones are found at the end. I recommend anyone to go and visit it.
Went here on New Year’s Eve to see a concert. It was a string sextet with a tenor. They played songs and instrumentals - Ravel, Orff, Piazzola and some traditional Jewish songs- it was amazing and soulful. The building is in beautiful condition and has a treasure trove of history. Stunning. A definite must see.
This is a great date idea. There was so much to look at and interact with. The staff there were very friendly and helpful. They helped us take some pictures since it was only my husband and I. My favorite part was the 3D section. Would definitely come back again with some friends
Beautiful Synagogue with a concise but detailed exhibition on the history of the Czech Jewish community. Definitely worth a visit.
Orologio molto bello dall'esterno, internamente c'è poco di visitabile (bello) e per il prezzo del biglietto non so se ne vale la pena. Forse il punto di forza maggiore è la vista dalla cima della torre che, in una giornata limpida, è splendida. È stato un peccato che un membro dello staff, ad un minuto dallo scoccare dell'ora, ha fatto allontanare me, la mia famiglia e un'altra coppia dal punto in cui potevamo assistere al movimento degli ingranaggi e delle sculture dell'orologio dall'interno, sostenendo di dover lasciare spazio anche ad altre persone (eravamo gli unici nella stanza e gli unici che alla fine, da lontano, hanno assistito allo scoccare d'ora). Ci ha veramente rovinato l'umore e l'esperienza senza un buon motivo. Devo menzionare che tutti gli altri membri dello staff sono stati cordiali e d'aiuto per le informazioni
the church of St. Jacob the Great is a beautiful place in the old town of Prague near the Old Town Square, where you can go for a concert, a church service or just for a tour. It belongs to the magical places that add to the atmosphere of Old Prague.
Ich mochte es hier sehr gerne. Besonders wenn man eine Auszeit von dem Trubel auf den Straßen braucht, ist dies der perfekte Zufluchtsort.
Die Ausstellung von Dali mochte ich sehr gerne, sie war toll aufgebaut mit guten Erklärungen und einem Plan, den man leicht verstehen und befolgen konnte.
Die Ausstellung von Warhol hingegen war leider etwas enttäuschender. Besonders der Teil seines „früheren“ Lebens war eher langweilig und weniger fesselnd. Der „spätere“ Teil war besser, ist aber trotzdem ausbaufähig.
Our favorite church in all of Prague. We stumbled upon this church by accident and was blown away on how beautiful it was! Must visit in Prague.
Staroměstská radnice v Praze byla založena roku 1338 (jako první v Čechách) na základě privilegia uděleného staroměstským měšťanům králem Janem Lucemburským. Tvoří ji komplex několika domů přiléhajících ke Staroměstskému náměstí postupně připojovaných do jednoho celku pro potřeby správy Starého Města pražského.

Nejstarší část komplexu tvoří jižní křídlo s nádhernou věží s arkýřovou kaplí a unikátním orlojem, na kterém se každou celou hodinu (9–23 hod.) objevuje 12 apoštolů. Východní novogotické křídlo radnice bylo zničeno během Pražského povstání 8. 5. 1945 a nebylo již nikdy obnoveno. Uvnitř radnice můžete nahlédnout do reprezentačních sálů – Obecní síň, Stará radní síň, Brožíkův zasedací sál a Jiříkova síň.

Málokdo ví, že z kaple Staroměstské radnice lze nahlédnout do útrob mechanismu pražského orloje a zhlédnout tak přehlídku apoštolů i z vnitřní strany. Kaple Panny Marie se nachází v 1. patře a byla založena záhy po výstavbě radniční věže a vysvěcena již roku 1381. Bohoslužby se zde konaly před každým zasedáním městské rady, byly slouženy i vězňům v radnici nebo odsouzencům na smrt, kteří odsud kráčeli na popraviště. Pořádaly se zde mše pro blaho panovníka, časté byly i pohřební obřady. Prostor kaple tvoří příčně položená loď a pětiboký arkýř. Z vnějšku na nároží arkýře je kopie pozoruhodné gotické sochy tzv. Staroměstské madony, příkladné ukázky sochařství z konce 14. století. Radniční kaple patří k nejvzácnějším stavitelským památkám na českém území. Zajímavou ozdobou jsou vitrážová okna.

Dominantou Staroměstské radnice i celého náměstí je mohutná téměř 70 m vysoká gotická věž ze 14. století. Její ochoz nabízí nejkrásnější výhled na město – je odtud možné zhlédnout Týnský chrám nebo kostel sv. Mikuláše, v dálce obdivovat Pražský hrad nebo se nechat unášet výhledem na desítky věží, věžiček a kupolí rozmanité pražské architektury. Jako jediná ze středověkých pražských věží je radniční věž bezbariérová – na ochoz návštěvníky vozí moderní prosklený výtah (za poplatek).
En Praga tienen en un altar a Kafka y se nota con esta escultura y la de la cabeza, aunque cuando nosotros estuvimos la cabeza estaba de mantenimiento y no pudimos verla.
We really enjoyed our visit to the Illusion Art Museum. It's interactive and just so much fun. The exhibits are all really clever and quite amazing! Highly recommend a visit! Some of the photos I've posted have before and after versions.
This was absolutely fabulous. We happened upon this museum near our hotel and decided to visit. We spent over 2 hours inside and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Great experience, unique baroque library and amazing views over old town from the astronomical clock tower
Auf der drei Etagen sieht man hier Werke von Dali, Mucha und Warhol. Die Ausstellungen sind sehr schön gemacht und können barrierefrei erreicht werden. Es gibt auch Toiletten und einen kleinen Shop.
Ben Jo
at 2023 Nov 14
Ben Jo
at 2023 Nov 14
Il monumento è fondamentalmente una statua in metallo con sulla base il nome dell’artista. Comunque bello e particolare, come tutte le piccole cose da vedere a Praga , da includere nel tour della città .
In my opinion, this is part of Prague and its history. It is a beautiful synagogue with a lot of information about history, connected families, as well as historic artifacts. We bought the ticket to see several museums in the Jewish Quarters and started here. For history interested people, a must see.
Kind of overpriced ngl. All the tourists were annoying because of taking selfies with gravestones. Idk they should ban that because disrespectful. Also no real Jewish markets, all just money grabbers. They give free hats away tho, kinda rad tbh.
Praga è il luogo dove nasce un icona della lettera…Franz Kafka.
Certamente l’istallazione dì David Černý permette di ammirare il senso di quella che era la mente un po’ “contorta” dell’autore.
La testa gira in diversi modi per 15min ogni ora (per tanto consiglio di organizzarsi con gli orari per essere lì al momento in cui effettua il movimento).
Decisamente un’installazione da vedere durante il soggiorno a Praga insieme ad altre opere dell’artista come i neonati e l’appeso.
Non servono biglietti per vedere la testa di Kafka in movimento poiché è un’installazione pubblica esposta su una piccola piazzetta.
Included in tour of Old Town Hall but only accessible on guided tour - highly recommend seeing the old ground floor level of Prague
Must-see tour of old Prague town hall but requires planning

The Old Town Hall tours (~$25/adult) offer a behind-the-scenes look at the Astronomical Clock and a glimpse into the medieval Czech high-society homes that later became this historic attraction. The guided tours, grouped by language, occur on a couple hour cadence and are usually quickly booked out. The guides are super knowledgeable and the guided tours also feature access to the dungeons / cellars, which were on the original street level of Prague!

The clock tower observation deck is a great vantage point to see the Old Town Square and the rest of Prague. There is a lift ($5 round trip) but the ramps to walk upstairs aren’t strenuous and easily accessible.
Visite de la tour avec une belle vue sur les toits de Prague. L
La nostra esperienza con la Torre del Municipio parte dall'acquisto del biglietto che comprendeva la visita guidata in italiano ad un determinato orario, al costo di 300 czk. La signora che ci ha guidato è stata bravissima e dettagliatissima. Finita la visita guidata noi siamo saliti con l'ascensore fino a su. Che dire uno spettacolo.
Je kan zelf rondlopen in het oude stadhuis, de 1e en 2e verdieping en de toren. Maar je kan ook gratis gebruik maken van de rondleiding, je gaat dan ook naar de 1e en 2e verdieping en daar wordt meer over verteld en je gaat naar de ondergrondse gangenstelsel waar je niet mag komen zonder gids. De tour duurde totaal 1 uur en onze gids Millie deed dit echt heel goed in goed verstaanbaar Engels en flinke dosis humor. Geweldige rondleiding gehad!
MiR Gil
at 2023 Sep 06
MiR Gil
at 2023 Sep 06
Un raconet ben cuidat i net. Nomes li falta en un parell de bancs publics per seure. Molt concorregut pels visitants que van la Sinagoha Espanyla i per persomes que hi van espressament.
Les souterrains de l'ancien hôtel de ville de Prague sont un réseau complexe de tunnels et de chambres qui se trouvent sous le bâtiment. Ils ont été construits au XIVe siècle et ont été utilisés à diverses fins au fil des ans, notamment comme entrepôts, prisons et salles de torture.

Les souterrains sont aujourd'hui ouverts au public et peuvent être visités lors d'une visite guidée de l'hôtel de ville. Les visiteurs peuvent voir des vestiges de l'histoire de la ville, notamment des graffitis et des outils.
Schöne Ausstellungen! (besuchte Warhola und Mucha), speziell spannend wenn man mehr über das Leben und die Herkunft von Andy Warhol wissen möchte.
Prag ist eine Stadt der Geschichte, der Architektur, der Musik und der großen Künste. Kürzlich gastierte Benksy in einer wunderbaren Galerie in der Altstadt, man findet in der Kunstgasse unendlich viele künstlerische Meister und Talente. Ich habe Gagik Manoukian aus Armenien entdeckt und gleich mal zwei Bilder gekauft und der Plan ist, im Sommer wieder zu kommen und weiter auf Entdeckungsreise zu gehen und dann bringe ich auch etwas Kunst mit, vielleicht aus Werder
Sehr schön gemachte Dauerausstellung auf drei Etagen. Mucha, Dali, Warhol.
Sehr zu empfehlen. Eintrittspreise gestaffelt. Für ein, zwei oder alle drei.
390 Kronen für die gesamte Ausstellung pro Person (Erwachsen).
Sehr zu empfehlen.
Elske Heermans
at 2021 Aug 15
Elske Heermans
at 2021 Aug 15
Cool place to visit. As a geographer I thought it was really awesome. You can only get inside with a tour. You cannot get into the library, you'll be able to take a look from the room next. It's probably to preserve the books, which is completely understandable.

The tour also takes you up to the tower and you get a cool view from the roof and to the place where the astronomers used to work.
Sehr interessante fesselnde Ausstellung, mit viel Information, sowohl der Text an der Wand als auch die kleinen Biografietexte von Dalí, Mucha und Warhol.